Protecting yourself from thunder and lightning involves taking
precautions both indoors and outdoors. The following safety advice should be
taken into consideration:
Indoor Safety
1.Avoid water
Do not bathe, shower, wash dishes, or have any other contact with
water during a thunderstorm because lightning can travel through plumbing.
2.Don't touch electronic equipment
Avoid using anything connected to an electrical outlet, such as
computers or appliances. Lightning can travel through electrical systems.
3.Stay away from windows and doors
Do not stand near windows, doors, or porches, and avoid lying on
concrete floors or leaning on concrete walls.
4.Corded phones
Do not use corded phones during a thunderstorm. Nonetheless, cell
phones and cordless phones are safe options to take .
5.Avoid Grouping
try to avoid setting in groups .
Outdoor Safety
1.Be aware
Check the weather forecast
before outdoor activities. If thunderstorms are predicted, postpone your trip
or ensure a safe shelter is available¹.
2.Go indoors
When you hear thunder, seek a safe, enclosed shelter immediately. Homes,
workplaces, shopping malls, and hard-top cars with the windows pulled up are
good places to seek refuge.
3.Avoid open areas
Stay away from open fields,
hilltops, and isolated trees.
4.Spread out
To reduce the
possibility of multiple injuries, spread out if you are with friends.
5.Stay dry
Keep away from water, wet items, and metal objects.